Advanced Services Centre (CSA)

The Centre (CSA) offers digital services available for all Galician businesses to help them on their digital transformation

IGAPE grants for local infrastrutures investments
The managing SME “Centro de Servicios Avanzados Ciudad de las TIC S.L.” was awarded with a grant from IGAPE through the “Centros de Fabricación Avanzada” program, to help a balanced development of Galician territory and to promote SMEs growth and consolidation

Operation co-financed by the European Union
Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020

Achiving a more competitive business ecosystem
A way of making Europe

The Advanced Services Centre - CSA is a 4.000m2 building inside Cidade das TIC hub in A Coruña, the go-to place to access to advanced digital services open to all businesses

About CSA

The Avanced Services Centre – CSA its a new installation that unites a demo, prototyping and launch centre around digital transformation projects for Galician businesses. It is one of the first open buildings in Cidade das TIC, and was funded by Xunta de Galicia (IGAPE) through a 4,8m€ grant.

It’s one of the first installations of Cidade das TIC, open for businesses since October 2023 including advanced innovation labs, demo spaces, showroom and business spaces.

A centre about…

  • Meeting point between clients and IT services providers for Industry digital transformation

  • Easy access to IT tecnologies and services (Mediatech, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Devices), open to all businesses

  • Early project development (prototypingm demo, early analysis), before market implementation

  • Meeting point between client, IT businesses, University and technology and innovation centre

  • Tecnology-based company spaces

Shared Innovation Labs

Our shared Innovation Labs are a combination of physical spaces and advanced services por project prototyping and launch around the concept of digital transformation.

Managing Board

CSA if managed by “Centro de Servicios Avanzados Ciudad de las TIC, S.L.”, a joint venture between 13 entities led by Cluster TIC de Galicia and University of A Coruña.

Have questions? Let us know

All our services are provided locally but contact us if you need more information

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